Food Run
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To be the first team to get 3 balanced meals—3 HealthSpots from each food group (based on Canada's 2019 Food Guide of 2 Fruits and Vegetables, 1 grain, and one protein).
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
Place 3 sets of FoodGroup Flags at the end of each playing area--Use only Fruit, Vegetables, Grain, and Protein.
Designate a “Serving Area” space where teams can place their food (FoodGroup Flags).
Players stand in a scattered pattern in their assigned safe zone.
Three players from each team are given a pool noodle.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place 3 sets of FoodGroup Flags at the end of each playing area.
Designate a “Serving Area” space where teams can place their food (FoodGroup Flags).
Players stand in a scattered pattern in their assigned safe zone.
Three players from each team are given a pool noodle.
On the leader’s signal to begin, players attempt to safely run to the other team’s FoodGroup Flag’s area (where they are safe) and back to their half of the playing area (returning with a FoodGroup Flag)—the FoodGroup Flag is then placed in the Serving Area.
The taggers attempt to tag, with pool noodles, any players running through their team’s zone. When players are tagged, they return to their side of the playing area (if they have a FoodGroup Flag in their hands that needs to be returned to the FoodGroup Flags area before returning to their team’s zone.
If it is too easy for players to retrieve FoodGroup Flags then add more taggers; if it is too difficult reduce the number of taggers.
-Questions & Notes:
On Offense
What is the most effective strategy to most quickly get one of each of the 6 food groups?
On Defense
What is the most effective way to prevent players from getting the 6 food groups?
What are the four/five food groups and how many servings are recommended for your age group?
Equipment Adaptation:
Use different coloured flags or pieces of cloth tucken into pants.