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Anaerobic Beanbag Race

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To have the most bean bags in your hoop at the end of a pre-determined time.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Locomotor​

    • Run

-Equipment List:

  • Two hula hoops and four bean bags per pair of players.


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Place two hula hoops approximately 3 to 5 paces apart and place two bean bags in each hoop.

  • Identify a hoop for each player

  • Players stand opposite each other (facing) mid ways between the two hoops.


  • On the signal to begin, each player grabs a beanbag from their opponent's hoop and adds it to their own hoop. 

  • The above action continues for 45 seconds to determine who has the most in their hoop when the leader calls stop.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Notes:

    • Thanks Glenn Young for this idea.

  • Variation:

    • Multiple player race:

      • Have two or three players per team and compete for a longer time.

      • When a player wants to switch the new player stands in the middle and the retiring player hands a beanbag off to the incoming player before exiting.

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938
212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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