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Kangaroo Tag

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  • Players jump like kangaroos in an effort not to get tagged by kangaroo that is IT.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Locomotor

  • Jump

-Equipment List:

  • One pool noodle per 10 players for the ITs.


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • One player for every 10 is given a half-length pool noodle to tag other kangaroos with.

  • Players stand in a scattered position throughout the playing area.


  • On the leader's signal to begin the ITs attempt to jump and tag an other kangaroo with their pool noodle.

  • When a player is tagged they become the new IT, or they need to do some other activity before reentering the game...

-Questions & Notes:

  • How can kangaroos best manage to avoid getting tagged by an IT?

  • How can ITs most effectively tag another kangaroo?

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