Kick Soccer Ball Into Basket
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Teams of 4-8 players attempt to have each player kick the ball before kicking it into a laundry basket.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Retain
-Equipment List:
One Soccer Ball per group of 4-8 players.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players stand in a circle about one to two paces away from a laudry basket at the centre of the circle.
One player holds a soccer ball.
Players attempt to kick the ball so that all players kick the ball at least once and then attempt to kick the ball into the laundry basket.
If successful try do as many times as time permits.
-Questions & Notes:
Allow the ball to bounce on the ground a certain number of times.
Questions for Understanding:
What kicking techniques makes success most likely? Why?
How might a group achieve most success even if there one or two less able players?
How does it feel for the one player who continues to struggle with success?
How does the whole group feel when it succeeds?