Six Colours Tag Ball
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To tag, by striking other players with a thrown ball, so that all players from a specific team are seated on the floor (or make it more active by have them do jumping jacks till the end of the game).
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
-Equipment List:
Six Omnikin Six balls
Six hula hoops
Six sets of pinnies--with coulours matching the balls.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Form six teams and provide each team member with their coloured pinnies. their team’s coloured ball, and a specific hula hoop.
Spread the six hoops around the perimeter of the playing area—about the size of two-thirds of a volleyball court.
One player stands in their team’s hoop holding their coloured ball—all other players are in a scattered position throughout the playing area.
Any player from any team can stand in their team’s hoop and hold their team’s coloured ball.
Players inside the hoop attempt to toss the ball at other teams’ players.
o If a player is hit in the air (ball cannot bounce off the floor or anything else) that player seats themselves on the floor (or completes jumping jacks) where they were hit.
o Seated (or Jumping Jack) players can be freed by catching their team’s ball tossed to them by a teammate inside their team’s hoop.
o If a player catches a thrown ball, the thrower must be seated (or do Jumping Jacks) where the ball was caught.
o Players inside their hoop cannot be targeted, but can only remain in their hoop for a maximum of 10 seconds after which they must run around their hoop at least four times before re-entering.
To get their team’s ball back to their throwing hoop, the ball can be tossed or run back to their team’s hoop.
The game is over when all members of one team are seated.
-Questions & Notes:
Players must dribble their ball when returning to their hoop with their team’s ball.
Play without hoops, and disallow walking when in possession of a ball.
Permit the ball to bounce off the floor or other objects.
Adjust the size of the playing area to suit the number of participants.
A tagged player is freed after completing 10 Jumping Jacks.
Question for Understanding:
What are some tactical decisions that increase a team’s success?