Bump Through Team Into Hoop
Heading 1
Heading 1
Be able to have each team member do a forearm pass and then finally landing the volleyball into a hula hoop.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
Forearm Pass
-Equipment List:
One Volleyball
One Volleyball net
One hula hoop

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
A team of six players line up on the court.
One player stands near one of the posts holding a ball.
A hula hoop is placed on the ground in the court near the opposite post.
When the team is ready, the player with the ball tosses the ball to one of the players on the court.
Players pass it to all the players so that all players complete a forearm pass.
The last player needs to forearm pass the volleyball so that it lands inside the hula hoop.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding
How does one perform a forearm pass with accuracy to teammates?
What strategy can be used to successfully help the last player land the ball inside the hula hoop?