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Volley Bound

Heading 1


Heading 1

To score points by having the ball hit the floor in the other team's court.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Manipulative Send

    • Propel

  • Manipulative Receive​

    • Block​

-Equipment List:

  • 1 oversized ball

  • 12 rebounders


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Six players position themselves in two rows on either side of the net.

  • Each player holds a rebounder.

  • One player stands behind the back-service line holding a rebounder and the oversized ball.


  • On the leader's signal to begin the server tosses the ball in the air and rebounds the ball into the server's team court.

  • The serving team can rebound the ball a maximum of two more times before the ball must go over the net.

  • The receiving team can rebound the ball a maximum of three times on their side before the ball must go over the net.

  • Points are scored when:

    • The ball lands out of bounds.

    • Requires more than three rebounds to get the ball over the net.

    • The ball lands on the floor in the court.

  • The team that scores a point gets to serve next.

  • Team's rotate one player clockwise if the other team served last.

  • First team to score 25 points is the winner.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Variations:

    • All touch: All six players must rebound the ball before it is sent over the net.

    • Unlimited: Any number of hits can be used (same player can rebound the ball two or three times in a row) before rebounding the ball over the net.

  • Questions:

    • Offensively what are helpful strategies to score points?

    • Defensively what are helpful strategies to reduce points being scored against you?

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