Flip Frenzy No Grid Tic Tac Toe
Heading 1
Heading 1
To get three markers in a row
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
Two sets of three playing objects per team (half-cones, bean bags, foam squares… of different colours to differentiate the two teams)
Half Cones
Bean Bags
One starting marker (could be a line, or spot, or bean bag…)

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Select pairs of teams of three players each
Place a starting marker down
Give each team their three playing objects
Decide with rock-paper-scissors who plays first.
Place a starting line five to fifteen paces from the starting marker. Both teams line up behind the starting line with the three players each holding a playing object
On the signal to begin, the first two players run to the starting marker and place their first playing object
Once the first players have placed their playing object down the second person runs to add their playing marker and the first players run back to the starting line
Continue until one team has lined up three in a row and scores a point for their team
Resume another game
If either team has three in a row, that team wins and playing objects are picked up and a new game is begun
If neither team has three in a row, the first team can pick up one of their own playing objects and place it in a new spot (all the while maintaining a three-by-three grid).
If neither team has three in a row, the second team can pick up one of their own playing objects and place it in a new spot (all the while maintaining a three-by-three grid)
Continue till one team has three of their playing spots line up in a row
-Questions & Notes:
Line exercises
Those waiting in line are assigned an exercise that they must do a specific number of times, for example each time a runner goes the players in line must complete (specify the exercise and the number of repeats for each new game):
Five jumping jacks, or,
Three push ups, or,
Two burpees, or….
Dribbling a ball and pass back to start next runner
Performed the same as the “Running” version except the running player also dribbles a ball to the starting marker while holding a playing object. Once the playing object is placed the runners passes the ball back to the next person in line and the runner runs back to the starting line
Questions for Understanding:
What are some of the best strategies used to win at this game?