Balanced Plates
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In this invasion game, teams of 3-4 players, try to be the first to get a balanced (1 from each of the foods) plate (hula hoop) within the predetermined amount of time (based on Canada's 2019 Food Guide of 2 Fruits and Vegetables, 1 grain, and one protein).
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
One complete set of HealthySpots--Use 1 vegetable, 1 fruit, 1 protein, and 1 grain
7 Hula Hoops (1 Hula Hoop for every 3-4 players)
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place 1 hula hoop in the center of the playing area and then place the other hula hoops equal distance apart.
Place the 4 sets of 4 different HealthySpots (Use 1 vegetable, 1 fruit, 1 protein, and 1 grain) in the centre hula hoop.
3-4 players stand behind their assigned hula hoop.
On the signal to begin the first player from each team runs to the center hoop and brings back a HealthyFood Spot.
The first person tags the hand of the second player in line who goes to the center hoop and brings back a second spot of a different food.
Continue till all the HealthyFood spots are removed from the middle hoop.
When there are no more HealthyFood Spots in the middle hoop, players (still one at a time from each group) run to the hoops of other teams to take one of their spots—teams cannot obstruct players from taking their FoodGroup Flags.
The first team to get all four food groups is the winner—If no team seems to be finishing their plate add a couple more food groups to the middle. If a team wins too quickly remove one or more HealthyFood Spots from the middle and play again.
-Questions & Notes:
Remind players to be careful when two or more players are selecting a flag from the same hoop so that they do not bang heads going down or coming up.
Questions for Understanding/Debriefing
On Offense
What are the most effective strategies to get one spot from each food group?
On Defense
What are the most effective ways to prevent other teams from getting their 4 HealthyFood Spots?
What are the four food groups?
Equipment Adaptation:
Use different coloured flags or pieces of cloth tucken into pants.