Crazy Fowl Shots
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Have the contestant attempt to successful shoot as many fowl shots as she can out of 10 attempts.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
One rubber chicken per basket.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Have the contestant stands behind the free-throw line on a basketball court and give her a rubber chicken
Have the contestant attempt to successful shoot as many fowl shots as she can out of 10 attempts. The winner is the one who scores the most fowl shots.
If there is a tie, those that are tied should throw an additional 10 shots.
-Questions & Notes:
Teaching Tips
If you can have the “chicken dance” music playing in the background it will be sure to create a fun barn-yard ambiance.
You could also have foul shoting contests using different pieces of equipment (football throw, volleyball set, bean bag toss...).
Question for understanding?
What techniques increase accuracy?