Hidden Treasurer
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Gain the most beanbags
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
9 Cones
4-5 Bean bags
2 hula hoops

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place 9 or 16 cones about a step apart in a grid fashion.
Place a beanbag under four to five or eight or nine of the cones--without the players seeing under which cones there are beanbags.
Place two to eight spots to roll from (two on each side) about 8-12 paces from the grid.
One to three players stand in a line behind each spot--each team is given a hoop.
On the signal to begin the first players on each team roll their hula hoop attempting to have the hoop land around one if the cones.
When a hula hoop lands around a cone that player takes the beanbag back to their team--each beanbag scores one point.
If there is a beanbag under the cone, the players that rolled their hula hoops take them back for the next player in line.
Once all eight beanbags have been collected determine which team has the most.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for understanding:
What is the best ways to roll a hula hoop so that it most easily lands around a cone?
Paying attention to which cone has a bean bag under it is importnat. How do we help teammates remember in a positive way?