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To be the first team to win with 21 points or more and score more than two points beyond your opponent
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
Two sets of two rubber horseshoes
Two rubber stands

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place the two foam stakes about 6-10 steps apart (the closer the easier, the further the more difficult).
Pairs of players stand at either stake and compete against another pair standing at either stake.
Determine who throws first (after the first set of throws the team that scores the most the last set of throws is the team that throws first).
Teams alternate throws.
Points are scored as follows:
Three points for a ringer (using a straight edge against the ends of the horseshoe and if the straight edge is not in contact with the stake, it is a ringer).
Two points for a leaner. Any horseshoe that is leaning against the stake.
One point for any horseshoe that is not a ringer or leaner and is closer to the stake than either of their opponent’s horseshoes.
-Questions & Notes:
What are tips for tossing accurately?