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Score the lowest number of kicks per round.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
Set includes 9 goals (22-1/2” dia; 11 lb)
9 numbered metal goal flags
6 balls (8.25” dia)

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place Kickpar goals at challenging positions in a course so players can easily follow from one hole to the next.
Each player is given a ball--if you do not have sufficient number of balls then partner players up and they can take turns kicking the ball.
Players are distributed throughout the course so that there is no waiting at the first hole.
On the leader's signal to begin players kick the ball towards the target.
When the ball is in the target players tally up the number of kicks it took to get the ball into the target.
Players attempt to go through the course and score the lowest number of kicks.
-Questions & Notes:
Speed Kickpar: Players attempt to complete the course in a set time period and keep track of the number of kicks/touches it took to complete the course. Add a touch for every 15 seconds later than established time.
Questions for Understanding:
Technically, what is the most accurate way of kicking a ball?
If playing the speed variation, how does speed affect accuracy?
How do you deal with success and failure?