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Flip Beanbag into HOOp

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Attempt to move a hoop down the floor by tossing a beanbag into the hoop from a situp position.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Locomotor

    • Situp

-Equipment List:

  • One hula hoop and one beanbag per each pair of players


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Players pair up and stand at a start line holding a hula hoop and a beanbag for each pair of players.


  • On the leader's signal to begin, the players toss their hula hoop a reasonable distance from the start line.

  • The first player from each pair lays down in a situp position, places the beanbag between their feet, and attempts to toss it into their hula hoop.

  • When players are successful they attempt the same procedure again but from where the hoop was intitially.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Variation: Players hold the beanbag in their hands and attempt to toss it from a situp position into a hula hoop.

  • What helps players best succeed at this challenge.

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