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Who’s Buying Coffee
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Flip coins into a cup successfully
-Equipment List:
¢ A spoon, a cup, and lots of coins per player (start with the same number)
-Setting Up:

¢ Place a penny on a coffee spoon.
¢ Place hand on table (or other flat surface).
¢ Balance the spoon over one of your fingers.
¢ Place a coffee cup approximately 20-30cms from the spoon.
¢ Bang the handle of the spoon with your other hand and flip the penny into the cup.
¢ If you miss the penny goes into the cup.
¢ If you hit your penny into the cup you keep all the pennies.
-Questions & Notes:
¢ What ways seem to work best?
¢ How does it feel when it works? Does not work?
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