Basketball Robin's Nest
For four teams of three players:
4-5 basketballs
5 hula hoops

-Equipment Link:
Basketball Robin's Nest
Heading 1
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
To be the first team of three players to get three basketballs in your hoop
Manipulative Retain
-Setting Up:
Place 4 hula hoops in a square 10-15 paces apart from each other.
Place one hula hoop in the middle of the square.
Place the basketballs in the middle hula hoop.
Teams of three players each stand behind their hula hoop.
On the leader's signal to begin the first player from each team runs to the middle hoop, selects a basketball, and dribbles it back to their team.
One the ball has been placed in the team's hoop the next player goes to retrieve a ball.
If there are no more balls in the middle then teams get balls from the other team hoops.
The first team to get three balls in their hoop is the winner.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for understanding:
What technique is best use to dribble the basketball quickly and with control?
What are the best strategies to win at this game?
Modification from Everybody Move, Robin Nest: