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Basketball Robin's Nest

  • For four teams of three players:

    • 4-5 basketballs​

    • 5 hula hoops


-Equipment Link:

Basketball Robin's Nest

Heading 1


-Fundamental Movement Skills:

-Equipment List:

To be the first team of three players to get three basketballs in your hoop

  • Locomotor

    • Run

  • Manipulative Retain

    • Dribble

-Setting Up:

  • Place 4 hula hoops in a square 10-15 paces apart from each other.

  • Place one hula hoop in the middle of the square.

  • Place the basketballs in the middle hula hoop.

  • Teams of three players each stand behind their hula hoop.


  • On the leader's signal to begin the first player from each team runs to the middle hoop, selects a basketball, and dribbles it back to their team.

  • One the ball has been placed in the team's hoop the next player goes to retrieve a ball.

  • If there are no more balls in the middle then teams get balls from the other team hoops.

  • The first team to get three balls in their hoop is the winner.

-Questions & Notes:

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938

212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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