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Crabs Away

  • None


-Equipment Link:

Crabs Away

Heading 1


-Fundamental Movement Skills:

-Equipment List:

  • At the start signal the offensive team tries to get as many of their players across the other team’s end line within 30 seconds.

  • Locomotor

    • Crawl

-Setting Up:

  • The group is divided into 2 groups, an offensive team and a defensive team.

  • Have each team sit at opposite ends of the room behind their safety line (could be either ends of a volleyball court).


  • Explain to players that at the start signal the offensive team tries to get as many of their players across the other team’s end line within 30 seconds.

  • Everyone who makes it across scores one point for their team.

  • Everyone may only move in the crab walking position–their back toward the ground, moving on hands and feet, in the direction of their feet (no moving backwards—back and head first).  

  • The defenders can block the approaching crabs but may not hold the offensive player. Once the time limit is up the referee counts the number of points the offensive team scored.

  • Everyone lines up behind the lines and teams switch roles—the offensive team becomes the defensive team.

  • Play this game for 5 rounds.

  • Total the points for the 5 rounds to determine the winner.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Safety Considerations

    • To protect players from banging heads be sure to reinforce the rule disallowing head first movement. Kicking players is disallowed

  • Teaching Tips

    • Ensure the space is wide enough that there are some openings for the crabs to go through--perhaps change going down the length of a volleyball court to going across the width. 

    • A fun game to tie into a marine unit in science class

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938
212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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