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Hit Ball of Pylon
One pylon and two balls per four-five players.
-Equipment Link:
Hit Ball of Pylon
Heading 1
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
For three players to hit the ball off the pylon
-Setting Up:
Get into groups of four to five players.
One player is designated as the goalie, the other players are on offense.
Place a pylon with a ball on top in the middle of the group and a goalie is assigned to protect that ball.
The other players are given the other ball.
When the players are ready, the offensive team attempt to pass the ball to each other and kick their ball against the pylon knocking the ball off the pylon.
-Questions & Notes:
What should the goalie attempt to do to keep the ball from getting knocked off the pylon?
What helps the offensive players in their attempt to knock the ball off the pylon?
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