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Helpful Book

Numeracy resource with physical activity
Flip Frenzy

For teams to collect as many of their coloured spots as possible

  • Locomotor

    • Run

Three-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe

To get three of your colour blocks in a row (diagonal, straight line, or at a 3-2-1 angle. Cannot do three on top of each other to count.

Three-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe Without a Grid

To get three of your colour blocks in a row (diagonal, straight line, or at a 3-2-1 angle. Cannot do three on top of each other to count.

Tic Tac Toe Rolling Three In a Row with Elimination

For each team to get three in a row before the other team does.

  • Manipulative Send

  • Roll

Break the Code

To flip the cards over in the correct order.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Tic Tac Toe Rolling Three In a Row

For each team to get three in a row before the other team does.

  • Manipulative Send

  • Roll

Squared Off
For each team to create the most squares of their colour.
  • Locomotor

  • Run

Human Tic Tac Toe Players Choose Order

For each team to try to be the first to get three of their players in a row.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Human Tic Tac Toe in Order

For each team to try to be the first to get three of their players in a row.

  • Locomotor

  • Run


To move a block to the top of the tower without having the tower tumble.

Tic Tac Four in a Row

To get four in a row of your colour

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Tic Tac Double Four in a Row

To get two rows of four in your colour

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Four Players/Teams try Five in a Row on Checker Board or Tarp

To place five spots/pieces in a row before another team does.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Active Checkers

To eliminate all of your opponent's spots by jump[ing over them.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Connect Four Up

To connect four of your spots in any row or column or diagonal.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Number Sequence Relay

To be the first team to get numbers in correct order.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Topple Specific Number

Be the first team to count up your scores to add up to a specific number.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Topple Four Up

Each player attempts to stand up four Toppletubes with their colour up.

  • Locomotor

    • Run

    • Dodge

  • Manipulative Retain

    • Dribble

Topple Double Tic Tac

Be the first team to get two sets of three of your colours in a row

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Topple Tube Number Sequence

Teams of three players try to find a set of numbers in order of lowest to highest.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Ten Finger Fling

For groups to throw a number that is the same as a playing card.

  • Non-locomotor

    • Push up​

Find Your Number Relay

To answer a math question quickly and find the correct cone with that ending number 17 = a 7

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Odd Even Tag

To answer a math problem quickly and not get tagged if it is your number, and do tag if it is your opponent's number.

Topple Tic Tac

Be the first team to get three of your colours in a row

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Even and Odd With Wall Sit and Run

To wall sit or run depending on sum

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

  • Non-locomotor

    • Wall Sit

Quick Count Relay

To answer a math problem quicker than your opponents and have your team spell a word.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Paint Pallette Relay

To figure out the paint order for your palette the quickest.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Squared Off Instructions

For each team to create the most squares of their colour.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Tic Tac Toe--No Grid Instructions

To get three markers in a row

Tic Tac Toe—No Grid

To get three markers in a row

Ding Dong 7

To not make an error counting and for the group to count as far as possible.

Connect Four--With Exercise

To connect four of your discs in any row.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Five on the Floor Dribbling

To place five cones in a row before another team does.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

  • Manipulative Retain​

    • Dribble

Tic Tac Toe Shuffle

To place the numbers in their correct order as quickly as possible

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Tic Tac Toe—No Grid With Push Up

To get three markers in a row

  • Non-locomotor

    • Push up​

True and False

To get the answer right and tag or not be tagged.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

StrykeN the Pins to Exactly 40

For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins for a total of exactly 40 points.

  • Manipulation Send

    • Roll 

    • Throw​

StrykeN the Pins to Over 50

For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins for a total of over 50 points.

  • Manipulation Send

    • Roll 

    • Throw​

StrykeN the Pins

For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins a certain number of times.

  • Manipulation Send

    • Roll 

    • Throw​

Tag and Divide

To not be an It.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Tag and Multiply

To not be an It.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Tag and Add

To not be an It.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

21 Pilots

For the group to successfully count to 21

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Geometric Shapes Gathered from a Square

Be the first team to complete a geometric puzzle with 8 geometric pieces.

  • Locomotor

    • Run

Squared Out

For each team to create the most squares of their colour.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Tic Tac Toe—No Grid Relay

To get three markers in a row

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Twin Ball Stryke’N

Score an exact number of points or go over a certain number of points by knocking over numbered Stryke’N pins.

  • Manipulation Send

    • Throw​

Heel-Toe Tag

To not become a tagger.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

Card Top

For players to get the most cards in a specified time limit.

  • Locomotor

    • Jump

    • Jumping Jacks

Planks till odd

Score points by being the first to grab a shared bean bag

  • Locomotor

    • Planks

    • Reaction​

Dice Tag—Odd or Even

Be the first to answer the question correctly and tag your partner.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

Ready Set Select

To answer a math problem quicker than your opponent and have your opponent go for a run.

  • Locomotor

  • Run

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